
ReadTheory began when an English Teacher in North Carolina created his own differentiated reading comprehension worksheets to help boost students’ reading comprehension skills. Today, ReadTheory is known for our free online platform, but we know that sometimes you still crave a physical, printed copy of a passage.

That’s why we offer free, printable reading comprehension worksheets designed to enhance students’ reading comprehension skills through engaging and challenging exercises. These sheets have corresponding detailed answers and explanations that will save you a few steps!

Worksheets by Grade:

1st Grade

Focused on recognizing the parts of a sentence, having phonological awareness, the ability to apply word analysis skills, and the ability to read with some measure of fluency and accuracy.

Lexile Level: 40, Gasoline

Lexile Level: 90, A Day at the Park

Lexile Level: 110, Everyday

Lexile Level: 140, Birds, Birds, Birds

Lexile Level: 250, Balls for Sports

Lexile Level: 250, Ben’s Farm

Lexile Level: 250, Ben’s Pet

Lexile Level: 250, Karen’s Garden

Lexile Level: 250, The Park

Lexile Level: 310, Thank You Anna


2nd Grade

Focused on decoding one-syllable and two-syllable words, common prefixes and suffixes, and irregularly spelled words.

Lexile Level: 350, Amos Makes a Cake

Lexile Level: 350, Anna and Henry Play

Lexile Level: 350, David’s Hair

Lexile Level: 350, The Drive Home

Lexile Level: 350, Family Jobs

Lexile Level: 350, My Family

Lexile Level: 350, Pig Facts

Lexile Level: 350, Three Boats

Lexile Level: 350, Time with My Family

Lexile Level: 450, Getting to Work


3rd Grade

Focused on the ability to understand the main idea of an informational text, retell key details, and explain the interrelationship between the two.

Lexile Level: 460, Car For Sale!

Lexile Level: 470, Dear Emily

Lexile Level: 470, Where We Live

Lexile Level: 480, A Problem at the Fire Station

Lexile Level: 500, The New Law

Lexile Level: 500, Sky Boots

Lexile Level: 540, Thinking First

Lexile Level: 560, Tornado!

Lexile Level: 570, Roller Coaster

Lexile Level: 580, Calm on Job


4th Grade

Focused on the understanding of the sounds letters make, syllabic patterns, prefixes, suffixes, and root words to accurately read unknown words, and informational text skills such as cause and effect, comparison, or chronology.

Lexile Level: 500, Selena’s Birthday

Lexile Level: 530, Cody Likes to Run

Lexile Level: 530, Managing Her Illness

Lexile Level: 530, My Favorite Color

Lexile Level: 610, Vacation Opinions

Lexile Level: 630, A Mystery

Lexile Level: 630, Working with Chocolate

Lexile Level: 640, Grocery Store Bags

Lexile Level: 700, Carpet Shopping

Lexile Level: 910, Dorado Alerts


5th Grade

Focused on the ability to explain how an author supports his or her main ideas with specific reasons or evidence, and having sufficient reading comprehension skills to read multiple sources on the same topic and summarize those sources.

Lexile Level: 600, Not a Small Problem

Lexile Level: 600, Vet Emergency!

Lexile Level: 700, Juniper City Trains

Lexile Level: 710, Something Special

Lexile Level: 740, The Winner

Lexile Level: 750, Camels

Lexile Level: 750, Submarines

Lexile Level: 790, Softwoods and Hardwoods

Lexile Level: 800, Candy Store

Lexile Level: 890, Clean-Up


6th Grade

Focused on more complex readings as learners shift from beginner readers to more independent readers with an ever-growing skill set.

Lexile Level 770, The Rent Man

Lexile Level 780, The President’s Speech

Lexile Level 850, The Truth About Coupons

Lexile Level 860, Diligence and Perseverance

Lexile Level 860, The Luthier

Lexile Level 880, Wild

Lexile Level 890, Adult or Puppy

Lexile Level 910, Vinnie’s

Lexile Level 920, Attention Residents

Lexile Level 920, Prayer Flags


7th Grade

Focused on recognizing how a literary piece can take creative license with actual historical events, thereby resulting in a compelling historical fiction novel, and analyzing how characters interact with one another, their environment, events, ideas, and more.

Lexile Level 880, All the Wonders

Lexile Level 890, Considering Cockroaches

Lexile Level 910, Joey and the Field Guide 

Lexile Level 910, Ultramarathons

Lexile Level 920, Ostriches 

Lexile Level 930, Compost

Lexile Level 970, The American Crow

Lexile Level 980, A New Parking Garage

Lexile Level 980, Potlatch

Lexile Level 1020, An Honorable Tradition


8th Grade

Focused on being able to identify how sentence structure is used to present a concept in a reading, and learning how lines of dialogue in a literary piece help create the story of the character.

Lexile Level 900, Lost

Lexile Level 910, Flower Power 

Lexile Level 920, Three Branches 

Lexile Level 930, A Perfect Muffin 

Lexile Level 940, Renovation Estimates

Lexile Level 1040, Grocery Store or Farmers Market 

Lexile Level 1040, Pickleball

Lexile Level 1060, The Carnivorous Plant Exhibit

Lexile Level 1070, Allergic to Dogs

Lexile Level 1090, Dog Tricks 


9th Grade

Focused on analyzing how the author’s word choices impact the tone of the reading., and differentiating between primary and secondary sources by examining things like the author’s point of view, the date the text was written, and the source of the information.

Lexile Level 980, The Best Seat

Lexile Level 990, Fixed on Lincoln

Lexile Level 1020, The Importance of Minerals

Lexile Level 1060, Dividing Oceans

Lexile Level 1070, Latin as a Second Language 

Lexile Level 1090, Amazon Snakes!

Lexile Level 1110, Being Bullied

Lexile Level 1180, Gold

Lexile Level 1180, Taping and Bracing 

Lexile Level 1210, Chores are Good 


10th Grade

Focused on determining the central idea of the reading as well as analyzing how that idea evolves throughout the text, and being able to identify specific details in the text that aid in idea development and being able to objectively summarize the reading in one’s own words.

Lexile Level 1040, Female Coaches 

Lexile Level 1050, Gluten Free Baking

Lexile Level 1080, Xandersol

Lexile Level 1090, Meltdown 

Lexile Level 1120, Nursery Closing

Lexile Level 1140, Mural City

Lexile Level 1170, Irish Lace

Lexile Level 1180, The Economy 

Lexile Level 1210, Public Health Announcement

Lexile Level 1220, Mercury in Fish


11th Grade

Focused on understanding varying kinds of technical texts, including those used in other disciplines like science, understanding how to paraphrase technical readings in simple, accurate language, and having the capacity for gleaning information from different types of mediums (i.e., lab reports, first-hand accounts, secondary sources) to answer a question or solve a problem.

Lexile Level 1120, Ursula Pugh

Lexile Level 1130, An Artful Dodger

Lexile Level 1130, Piet Mondrian

Lexile Level 1150, Wash Up!

Lexile Level 1190, Before Band-Aids

Lexile Level 1200, Surviving on Blood

Lexile Level 1210, Human Execution: No Such Thing

Lexile Level 1230, Capital Punishment

Lexile Level 1260, Education Technology and Chainsaws

Lexile Level 1340, Protecting Lake Tanganyika


12th Grade

Focused on college and career readiness such as acquiring the skills needed to make inferences about informational texts, particularly where the text presents information that might lead to uncertain conclusions about its meaning, and the ability to critically analyze how characters develop over the course of a literary work.

Lexile Level 1270, Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations

Lexile Level 1280, Veisalgia

Lexile Level 1310, A Beetle in a Box 

Lexile Level 1360, Biological Adaptation

Lexile Level 1360, The Psalms: Popular and Troubling

Lexile Level 1370, Antonio’s Revenge

Lexile Level 1400, Autism and Vaccines: No Link

Lexile Level 1480, Bovine Somatotropin

Lexile Level 1480, Food Deserts

Lexile Level 1490, The Scythians


Our skilled team of writers are all current or former teachers and bring a combined 100 years of education experience to every passage you find on our site, whether as a printable PDF or in the online platform’s database. We understand that group work, reinforcement activities, substitute lessons, and student absenteeism are just a few of the reasons that you may want to use printed passages, and we are here to support you with our wide range of reading comprehension worksheets. 

We also highly recommend creating a free ReadTheory account today. Other than ecological reasons, having students practice reading comprehension online with automatic grading, simplifies tracking of progress, and our platform automatically adapts to the reading level of each specific student. Plus students love the gamification and it’s proven to increase motivation. No matter what your needs are, we’re here to assist by providing engaging reading comprehension passages for all of your students.

Carolyn Vento, Marketing Engagement Manager
Written by Carolyn Vento, Marketing Engagement Manager

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