Pictograms: The Ancient Language of Pictures
Imagine being able to communicate without using words, but instead, using simple pictures. That's what pictograms are all about! Pictograms are symbols or drawings that represent an object or an idea. They were used by ancient civilizations, like the Egyptians and the Sumerians, thousands of years ago to tell stories and keep records. Today, pictograms are still very much in use. You see them every day in signs at airports, parks, and even on your phone as emoji! They help us understand information quickly, and the best part is that they can be understood by everyone, no matter what language they speak. Did you know that the first known pictograms were used in Mesopotamia over 5,000 years ago? Or that the word 'pictogram' comes from the Latin 'pictus' which means 'painted' and Greek 'gramma' which means 'something written'? Pictograms are a fun and creative way of expressing ideas. Maybe you can try creating your own pictogram story!