Desert Survival: The Fennec Fox and the Camel
The desert is a tough place to live. It s hot during the day, cold at night, and water is hard to find. But some animals, like the fennec fox and the camel, have found ways to survive there. The fennec fox has big ears that help it hear prey underground. It also has thick fur on its feet to protect them from the hot sand. The camel, on the other hand, has a fat-filled hump to store food and a thick coat to protect it from the sun. It can drink a lot of water at once and then go days without it. Both animals have found ways to adapt to the desert s tough conditions, proving that with the right adaptations, life can thrive anywhere.
Question 1
Which desert animal has big ears and thick fur on its feet?
Fennec Fox
Question 2
The hump of a camel is filled with what substance?
Question 3
How does a camel protect itself from the sun?
Using its tail
Living underground
Storing water in its hump
Having a thick coat
Staying in the shade
Question 4
Why does the fennec fox have big ears?
To look bigger
To cool down
To hear prey underground
To scare away predators
To communicate
Question 5
How many days can a camel go without water?
1 day
3 days
5 days
Several days
A month
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