The Magic Glasses and the Power of Words
A boy named Max had magic glasses. He could see how words affected people. His friend, Lisa often used unkind words. Max wanted to help her realize the power of her words. One day, Max showed Lisa his magic glasses. 'Look at Mr. Brown,' Max said. Lisa saw Mr. Brown saddened by her unkind words. She had called his garden 'untidy.' Max explained, 'Adding 'un' before 'tidy' changes its meaning.' Lisa was surprised. She then saw a girl she had called 'disrespectful.' Max clarified, 'The prefix 'dis' changes 'respectful' to mean its opposite.' Then they came across a poster for a 'pre-sale.' Lisa was confused, but Max elucidated, 'Adding 'pre' to 'sale' denotes a sale that is happening before the actual event.' Lastly, they saw Lisa's brother, whom she had called 'unhappy.' 'What if you try to 're'happy him?,' Max suggested. Lisa laughed, 'That's not a real word, Max! I get it, 're' means to do again, but we can't apply it to every word!' From that day, Lisa used kind words and understood the power of prefixes.
Question 1
What did the magic glasses allow Max to see?
Future events
How words affected people
Hidden treasures
Other people's thoughts
The history of objects
Question 2
'Un' in 'untidy' changes its meaning to what?
Very tidy
Not tidy
A bit tidy
Extremely tidy
Somewhat tidy
Question 3
What does 'pre' in 'pre-sale' denote?
After the event
During the event
Sale of goods
Before the actual event
None of the above
Question 4
What did Max suggest Lisa to do to her brother?
Make him unhappy
Ignore him
Cheer him up
'Re'happy him
Scold him
Question 5
Why did Lisa start using kind words?
Because Max asked her to
Because she was punished
Because she understood the power of prefixes
Because her friends stopped talking to her
Because her teacher told her to
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