The Invisible Enemy: Unmasking Air Pollution
Have you ever worn a mask to hide from an enemy you can't see? That's how we combat air pollution, an invisible villain that harms our health and planet. Air pollution involves harmful substances like smoke, dust, or gases released into the air. These pollutants originate from various sources such as cars, factories, and burning fossil fuels like coal and gasoline.
This unseen enemy has a significant impact. It's responsible for numerous health issues ranging from asthma to heart disease. It also contributes to global warming, leading to melting ice caps and rising sea levels.
Despite this grim reality, we possess the power to fight back. Using public transportation, recycling, and reducing energy consumption by turning off unnecessary lights and appliances are some ways we combat air pollution.
In 2019, Los Angeles, a city known for its smog, saw significant improvements in air quality after applying such measures. Can you think of other ways to unmask and defeat this invisible enemy?
Question 1
What does 'air pollution' refer to in the context?
Smoke from cooking
Dust from cleaning
Invisible enemies
Harmful substances like smoke, dust, or gases released into the air
Clean air
Question 2
What health issues are caused by air pollution?
Asthma and heart disease
Skin disease
Dental problems
Hearing loss
Loss of hair
Question 3
What measures can be taken to combat air pollution?
Burning more fossil fuels
Using private cars instead of public transportation
Keeping lights and appliances on unnecessarily
Using public transportation, recycling, and reducing energy consumption
Increasing industrial production
Question 4
What is one effect of air pollution on the planet?
Depletion of ozone layer
Melting ice caps and rising sea levels
Formation of new islands
Growth of more forests
Increase in rainfall
Question 5
What city saw significant improvements in air quality after applying measures to combat air pollution?
New York
Los Angeles
San Francisco
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