Our Cosmic Neighborhood: The Solar System
Hello, kids! Did you know we live in a cosmic neighborhood called the Solar System? It s a big, beautiful place. At the center is the Sun, the biggest star around. The Sun has eight planets orbiting around it. We live on one of them, the Earth! Each planet is unique. For example, Mars, known as the Red Planet, has the largest volcano in the solar system. Can you imagine the size of that! Ever wondered why these planets don t just fly off into space? It s because of a force called gravity. The Sun s gravity pulls the planets towards it, but they also move in a straight line in space. These two actions balance each other, causing the planets to orbit the Sun. Did you know humans have even visited the Moon, a satellite of Earth? They left footprints that can last millions of years because there s no wind or water to wash them away. Our cosmic neighborhood still holds many secrets. Scientists keep exploring and discovering new things about our Solar System. Who knows what they ll find next!
Question 1
What is at the center of our Solar System?
Question 2
Which planet is known as the Red Planet ?
Question 3
What force keeps the planets in our Solar System from flying off into space?
Question 4
What is the Moon?
A star
A galaxy
A planet
A satellite of Earth
An asteroid
Question 5
Why can footprints last millions of years on the Moon?
Because of moon dust
Because of astronauts heavy boots
Because there s no wind or water to wash them away
Because the Moon s gravity makes them permanent
Because of the Sun s heat
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