Invasive Species: Unwanted Guests
Have you ever dealt with a pesky bug in your home that just didn t belong? Imagine an entire species of animal or plant that invades an area, disrupts the natural balance, and causes harm. These are called invasive species.
Invasive species are organisms that aren t native to a specific location and have a tendency to spread, causing damage to the environment, economy, or human health. They can outcompete native species for resources, alter habitats, and even cause other species to go extinct.
A famous example is the Burmese python in the Florida Everglades. These massive snakes were originally pets, but when they became too large, some owners released them into the wild. With no natural predators, the pythons thrived, preying on native species and disrupting the ecosystem.
In the Great Lakes, tiny zebra mussels cause big problems. They attach themselves to hard surfaces in large numbers, causing damage to infrastructure and outcompeting native mussels.
Invasive species pose a major threat to biodiversity – the variety of life in a particular habitat or ecosystem – and can cause significant economic damage. Efforts to control invasive species and restore native populations are an important part of maintaining our planet's health.
Question 1
What is an invasive species?
A species that is native to a specific location
A species that is endangered
A species that is extinct
An organism that is not native to a specific location and has a tendency to spread, causing damage
A species that is harmless to the environment
Question 2
What are the impacts of invasive species?
They increase biodiversity
They help native species flourish
They alter habitats, outcompete native species for resources, and can cause other species to go extinct
They have no impact on the environment
They boost the economy
Question 3
What is a famous example of an invasive species?
The bald eagle in the United States
The kangaroo in Australia
The polar bear in the Arctic
The Burmese python in the Florida Everglades
The panda bear in China
Question 4
How do zebra mussels cause problems in the Great Lakes?
They eat all the fish
They produce harmful toxins
They attach themselves to hard surfaces in large numbers, causing damage to infrastructure and outcompeting native mussels
They scare away tourists
They have no impact
Question 5
Why are efforts to control invasive species important?
To increase the number of invasive species
To reduce biodiversity
To harm the economy
To maintain our planet s health
Efforts to control invasive species are not important
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