Biodiversity: An Essential Thread in the Tapestry of Life
In the grand tapestry of life, each creature adds a unique thread, contributing to the intricate pattern of biodiversity. This biodiversity, the variety of life on Earth, sustains the ecosystems that provide us with food, clean water, and fresh air. However, this delicate balance is under threat. Uncontrolled human activities like deforestation, pollution, and climate change are eroding biodiversity at an alarming rate. Forests, once teeming with life, stand silent, while once-clear waters are choked with pollution. But all is not lost. Each of us can contribute to preserving biodiversity. Planting trees, reducing waste, and promoting sustainable practices are just a few ways to help. Remember, even the smallest of actions can have a big impact. In our hands lie the power to weave biodiversity back into the tapestry of life, sewing the seeds of a healthier planet for future generations.
Question 1
What does biodiversity refer to?
The variety of life on Earth
The variety of human cultures
The number of water bodies
The different species of trees
The varying climate zones
Question 2
What are some human activities threatening biodiversity?
Deforestation, pollution, and climate change
Agriculture and gardening
Internet usage and urban development
Reading and writing
Traveling and hiking
Question 3
How can individuals contribute to preserving biodiversity?
By planting trees, reducing waste, and promoting sustainable practices
By using more plastic
By consuming more fossil fuels
By cutting down trees
By polluting the environment
Question 4
What is the impact of eroding biodiversity on the ecosystem?
It disrupts the ecosystems that provide us with food, clean water, and fresh air
It increases the availability of clean water
It improves air quality
It leads to abundance of food
No impact
Question 5
What does the metaphor grand tapestry of life represent?
It represents the interconnection of all life on Earth
It represents the fashion industry
It represents the city skyline
It represents the history of human civilization
It represents the ocean
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