Acids and Bases: A Tangy and Bitter Tale
In our daily life, we often hear the terms 'acidic' and 'basic', especially when we talk about food or cleaning products. But what do they mean? In chemistry, substances are classified as acids, bases, or neutral based on their pH level. Acids are substances that have a pH level less than 7. They taste sour and react with metals. Lemons, vinegar, and oranges are common examples of acidic foods. On the other hand, bases have a pH level more than 7. They taste bitter and feel slippery. Baking soda and soapy water are basic. The pH scale is a measure from 0 to 14 to estimate how acidic or basic a substance is. The scale is logarithmic, which means each step represents a tenfold difference in acidity or basicity. A pH of 7 is considered neutral, like pure water. Now, why should you care? Apart from the taste of your food, acids and bases play a crucial role in our bodies as well. For instance, our stomach uses hydrochloric acid to break down food, which is why antacids are used to neutralize excess acid. And our blood contains bicarbonate, a base, to maintain a stable pH. Understanding acids and bases can help us make better decisions about what we eat and how we take care of our health and the environment. So, next time you bite into a tangy lemon or use soap, take a moment to think about the exciting science behind it!
Question 1
What are substances with a pH level less than 7 called?
Question 2
What does a pH level of 7 indicate?
Strong Acid
Strong Base
Slightly Acidic
Slightly Basic
Question 3
Why are antacids used?
To increase stomach acidity
To make the stomach feel slippery
To neutralize excess acid in the stomach
To increase the pH level of the stomach
To reduce the pH level of the stomach
Question 4
Why is understanding acids and bases important?
To make food taste bitter
To increase the pH level in our bodies
To help us make better decisions about what we eat and how we take care of our health and the environment
To make food taste sour
To decrease the pH level in our bodies
Question 5
What are substances with a pH level more than 7 called?
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